Do Paper Cups Have a Place Within the Barrier Packaging Market? November 17, 2020


Packaging, and food packaging in particular, comes in many shapes and sizes and is created from varying materials based upon intended use. Common food packaging materials such as plastic and paper, while suitable for some products, may not work for others as they allow levels of permeability for moisture, oxygen, and gases that may impact the product.  Historically, the solution to this has been a multilayer flexible or rigid structure.  On the rigid side, multilayer thermoformed cups or spiral wound fiber/paperboard canisters are typical solutions.   Because of the open side seam and the potential for oxygen and moisture to pass through, formed paper cups have not been a viable option.   But with additional edge protection and a multi-layer barrier structure, now formed paper cups could be an excellent way to differentiate high barrier products in the market.   With this modification, paper cups should not only have a place in the barrier packaging market but they should flourish.


Convenience vs. Sustainability

Barrier packaging, as its name implies, serves to contain and protect product integrity by acting as an oxygen, moisture, and gas barrier. While there is a current focus upon the entire food industry to become more sustainable in its practices and packaging options, there is still a great interest in functionality; specifically extending shelf life in smaller, portable, offerings.

As snacks spike in demand, flexible packaging such as pouches and bags have become a popular option as they offer reclose-ability for on-the-go consumers.  Formed paper cups could take this to another level. Cups can stand up on a shelf therefore having better and more reliable merchandising opportunities and shelf presence along with great graphics. Whereas in the past, there has been a tradeoff. Cups may also help to preserve the condition of the product when compared to a bag or pouch as the rigid paperboard offers protection during shipment and handling specifically for e-commerce channels of distribution. Formed cups may also offer improved ease of use for the on the go consumers.



In addition to portability, barrier and edge protection prevents grease and oil wicking, ensuring freshness and inhibiting food spoilage. This packaging innovation not only preserves the integrity of the product, but may be utilized to enhance new brands or products, not just replace or compete with existing offerings. This additional functionality could open the door for new and long-standing brands alike to take part in many of the on-the-go or convenient consumer trends, filling multiple segments within a single store.

Paper cups have a place within the barrier packaging market as they offer both convenience for on-the-go consumers and functionality for the preservation of product integrity.



About Double H:

Double H Plastics is a manufacturer of Plastic & Paperboard Packaging that services industries such as Ice Cream & Dairy, Consumer Products, Cereals, Convenience Foods and Pet Care.  Through a unique injection molding process we use paperboard inserts and a variety of plastic resins to mold custom packaging solutions, including functional tamper evident